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Status - ' + data.statusText ); }) }); // Delete File popup $('#upfp_delete_btn, #upfp_trash_dlt_file_btn').on('click', function(){ var target_file = $('.edit_doc_upf_popup').attr('data-file'); target_file = target_file.replace("doc_", ""); if( $(this).attr('id') == 'upfp_trash_dlt_file_btn' ){ var dlt_type = 'permanent'; $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp #upfp_dlt_msg_permanent').show(); $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp #upfp_dlt_msg_trash').hide(); } else{ var dlt_type = 'trash'; $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp #upfp_dlt_msg_trash').show(); $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp #upfp_dlt_msg_permanent').hide(); } if(target_file.length > 0){ $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp').attr('data-dlt-type', dlt_type); $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp #upvf-dlt-file-id').val(target_file); $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp').show(); } }); // Delete file $('body').on('click', '.upvf-dlt-file-cls', function(){ $('body').find('.upfp-dlt-file-pp').hide(); $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp').find("form")[0].reset(); }); $('body').on('submit', '#upvf-delete-file', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var file_id = $(this).find('#upvf-dlt-file-id').val(); var dlt_type = $(this).closest('.upfp-dlt-file-pp').attr('data-dlt-type'); var fd = new FormData(); fd.append( 'doc_id', file_id ); fd.append( 'dlt_type', dlt_type ); fd.append( 'upf_nonce', ajax_upf_obj.nonce ); fd.append( 'action', 'upvf_pro_delete_file' ); $.ajax ({ url: ajax_upf_obj.ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: fd, contentType: false, processData: false, dataType:"JSON", beforeSend: function() { // $('.edit_doc_upf_popup').css('opacity', '0.5'); } }) .done( function(results) { if(results.error){ console.log(results.error); } else{ if(results.rmvd_file){ // remove delete file popup $('body').find('.upfp-dlt-file-pp').hide(); $('.upfp-dlt-file-pp').find("form")[0].reset(); closeFilePreview(); // Remove file from content $('.upfp_content').find('#doc_' + file_id).remove(); } } }) .fail ( function(data) { console.log( data.responseText ); console.log( 'Request Failed. Status - ' + data.statusText ); }); }); // Trash - Restore File $('body').on('click', '#upfp_restore_file_btn', function(){ var target_file = $('.edit_doc_upf_popup').attr('data-file'); target_file = target_file.replace("doc_", ""); if(target_file.length > 0){ var fd = new FormData(); fd.append( 'doc_id', target_file ); fd.append( 'upf_nonce', ajax_upf_obj.nonce ); fd.append( 'action', 'upvf_pro_restore_file' ); $.ajax ({ url: ajax_upf_obj.ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: fd, contentType: false, processData: false, dataType:"JSON", beforeSend: function() { // $('.edit_doc_upf_popup').css('opacity', '0.5'); } }) .done( function(results) { if(results.error){ console.log(results.error); } else{ if(results.restored_file){ closeFilePreview(); // Remove file from content $('.upfp_content').find('#doc_' + target_file).remove(); } } }) .fail ( function(data) { console.log( data.responseText ); console.log( 'Request Failed. Status - ' + data.statusText ); }); } }); // Move file to a folder popup - get all folders $('body').on('click', '#upfp_move_btn', function(){ var target_file = $('.edit_doc_upf_popup').attr('data-file'); target_file = target_file.replace("doc_", ""); if(target_file.length > 0){ var folder_select = 'No Folder found'; var fd = new FormData(); fd.append( 'upf_nonce', ajax_upf_obj.nonce ); fd.append( 'action', 'upvf_pro_get_folders' ); $.ajax ({ url: ajax_upf_obj.ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: fd, contentType: false, processData: false, dataType:"JSON" }) .done( function(results) { if(results.error){ console.log(results.error); } else{ folder_select = ''; $('.upfp-move-file-pp #upvf-move-file').prepend(folder_select); $('.upfp-move-file-pp #upvf-move-file-id').val(target_file); $('.upfp-move-file-pp').show(); } }) .fail ( function(data) { console.log( data.responseText ); console.log( 'Request Failed. Status - ' + data.statusText ); }); } }); $('body').on('click', '.upvf-move-file-cls', function(){ $('body').find('.upfp-move-file-pp').hide(); $('.upfp-move-file-pp select').remove(); $('.upfp-move-file-pp').find("form")[0].reset(); }); // Move file to folder - submit $('body').on('submit', '#upvf-move-file', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var file_id = $(this).find('#upvf-move-file-id').val(); var fldr_id = $(this).find('#upvf-moveto-fldr').val(); var fd = new FormData(); fd.append( 'doc_id', file_id ); fd.append( 'fldr_id', fldr_id ); fd.append( 'upf_nonce', ajax_upf_obj.nonce ); fd.append( 'action', 'upvf_pro_move_file' ); $.ajax ({ url: ajax_upf_obj.ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: fd, contentType: false, processData: false, dataType:"JSON" }) .done( function(results) { if(results.error){ console.log(results.error); } else{ if(results.new_fldr_id){ // hide move file popup $('body').find('.upfp-move-file-pp').hide(); $('.upfp-move-file-pp select').remove(); $('.upfp-move-file-pp').find("form")[0].reset(); closeFilePreview(); // Remove file from content if( results.new_fldr_id != $('.upfp_content').attr('data-current-folder') ){ $('.upfp_content').find('#doc_' + file_id).remove(); } } } }) .fail ( function(data) { console.log( data.responseText ); console.log( 'Request Failed. Status - ' + data.statusText ); }); }); // Add new comment to a file $( "#upfp_file_cmnt_frm" ).on( "submit", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var comment = $(this).find('#upfp_file_new_cmnt').val(); var trimmed_comment = jQuery.trim( comment ); if( trimmed_comment.length > 0 ){ var fd = new FormData(); fd.append( 'docid', $('.edit_doc_upf_popup').attr('data-file') ); fd.append( 'cmnt', comment ); fd.append( 'upf_nonce', ajax_upf_obj.nonce ); fd.append( 'action', 'upvf_pro_file_add_cmnt' ); jQuery.ajax ({ url: ajax_upf_obj.ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: fd, contentType: false, processData: false, dataType:"JSON" }) .done( function(results) { if(results.error){ console.log(results.error); } else{ if(results.added){ var cmnt_html = '

    '; cmnt_html += '' + results.user_avatar + ''; cmnt_html += '' + results.user_email + ''; cmnt_html += '' + comment + ''; cmnt_html += '

    '; // prepend comment to the sidebar cmnt list $('.upfp_file_comments').prepend(cmnt_html); // reset form $('.upfp_file_info').find("form#upfp_file_cmnt_frm")[0].reset(); } } }) .fail ( function(data) { console.log( data.responseText ); console.log( 'Request Failed. Status - ' + data.statusText ); }); } else{ console.log('Empty comment'); } }); /* Bulk Selected Files Actions */ });